Digital consequences of the Corona Crisis
The Coronavirus has changed our world extremely fast.
The restrictions worldwide have led to fast changes in human behaviour and new digital initiatives and implementations which under normal circumstances would have taken years to implement.
We´re in the midst of the largest live experiment ever and digital technologies are playing a major and central role. This will have deep ramifications and consequences once we get to the other side of the crisis.
While these are definitely sad times, it still makes sense to begin to envision which breakthroughs and digital disruptions this crisis will lead to. Because the technologies that we all feared as the big disrupters are now what tie us all together and make it possible for most of us to continue working.
In this Keynote I talk about the digital areas I think will be accellerated and irreversibly changed forever and how this lead to new business opportunities. I address what companies need to do in order to utilise the new digital possibilities and get back on track.
Comments from my webinar about this topic:
“Det var et super godt webinar med nogle meget interessante betragtninger.”
“Tak for gode og aktuelle perspektiver.”
“God præsentation Tim. Du er god til at formidle, og også god til at svare hurtigt og forståeligt på spørgsmål.”
“Rigtig spændende.”
“Rigtig god formidling af meget relevant information.”
“Super fint format, god formidling og masser af inspiration. TAK!”
- Participants in my Corona implications - webinar