A world in digital transformation

- Future technologies and the threats & possibilities they create

We find ourselves in a time where virtually all industries are being affected by new technologies and increasing digitization.

This is radically changing the market conditions for most businesses and industries.

That leads to an imperative need to understand which technologies are relevant and how they are affecting the company´s reality:

  • Why is it happening right now and what is the cause of this upheaval?

  • What are the key technologies to impact our industry?

  • What can we expect from the next 5-10 years of digital development?

  • How do we as a company kick-start the internal process of digitally equipping our self both in the short and long team?

  • How do we create the right kind of digital leadership between management and the board?

These are some of the key questions that will be addressed through cases and examples in this keynote.


Mange tak for et super godt og inspirerende oplæg i går.
Det gik rent ind i forhold til formålet.

– Helle Søgaard Rasmussen, Allerød Kommune

Tak for en spændende og inspirerende præsentation på Bella Sky
til vores IT team day med Specsavers.

– Henrik Pedersen, Specsavers

Tak for et blændende indlæg på Nordic Tourism Conference.

– Eva Thybo, VisitDenmark

Tusind tak for et rigtig godt oplæg – det har givet anledning til
mange gode tanker og refleksioner om vores omverden.

– Freja Frøstrup, Finans Danmark