Sustainability in a digital perspective


It´s 2020 and we have 10 years left to solve the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

This will only happen through an extensive use of digitalization and new technological breakthroughs. Luckily a series of new technologies have the potential to make a big impact and to create new business value for companies that understand to seize the opportunity.

But technology is also creating new challenges. The amount of energy consumed by digital platforms, the development within E-commerce and the tremendous use of smartphones are things we have to deal with.

Big Data, AI and our increased use of digital services and social platforms is changing the ethical rules that we live by. So, we need to take a stronger stand at what we will accept in order to create the world we actually want to live in.

What are we willing to sacrifice in order to be sustainable and how do companies develop the winning products and services of a sustainable future? That is some of the questions that this keynote addresses.


Tims indlæg på vores kundetur til Paris var super – mange fik noget at tænke over.

- Henrik Christensen, Jobindex

Tim leverede en virkelig fin performance som vært og ordstyrer på E-handelsprisen. Han klarede det virkelig godt og fik bundet aftenen rigtig godt sammen. Vi har fået så mange mails med tilfredse og glade gæste også på sociale medier er det væltet ind.

- Annette Falberg, FDIH